Graph Instances

Moreover, the graph instances can be accessed as a list with:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances()

It is possible to set a limit to get_graph_instances(). This allows us to only load a given number of graph instances.

graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances(limit=3)

It is also possible to set a shuffle option to get_graph_instances(). If set to True, the list of graph instances returned is shuffled. If set to False, the list of graph instances returned is not shuffled.

graph_instance_list = my_project.get_graph_instances(limit=5, shuffle=True)

The process keys can also be accessed as a list with:

my_project = wg.project_from_id("<Your Project ID>")
process_key_list = my_project.process_keys

A graph instance can directly be requested by using one of the project's process keys:

pk = process_key_list[0]
gi = my_project.graph_instance_from_key(pk)