Sending Data

To be able to add data, you must create a file structure and add a column mapping. A column mapping is a list of columns describing a document(.CSV, .XLSX, .XLS).

To add a column mapping, you must first define the file structure:

filestructure = FileStructure(

It is important to note that aside from the file_type(which can be set to CSV, XLSX or XLS) and the sheet_name(which is optional), the attributes above are set by default. That means that unless the value of your attribute is different, you do not need to set it.

Now, a column mapping can be created:

column_list = [
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>),
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>),
            Column('<Column name>', <Column index>, <Column Type>, time_format='<Your time format>')
        column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
  • Column name is the name of the column.
  • Column index is the index of the column of your file. Note that the column index starts at 0.
  • Colulmn Type is the type of the column. It can be CASE_ID, TASK_NAME, TIME, METRIC (a numeric value) or DIMENSION(can be a string).

Please note that your time format must use the Java SimpleDateFormat format.

This means you must mark the date by using the following letters (according to your date format):


For example, your date format may look like this:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS

In the following examples, do not forget to change the time_format before using the code.

It is also possible to check whether a column mapping exists or not:


Furthermore, a column can also be created from a JSON.

json_str = '{"name": "test", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "CASE_ID"}'
column = Column.from_json(json_str)

Therefore, a Column Mapping can also be created from a JSON column dictionary. For example:

column_dict = '''{
"col1": {"name": "case_id", "columnIndex": "0", "columnType": "CASE_ID"},
"col2": {"name": "task_name", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "TASK_NAME"},
"col3": {"name": "time", "columnIndex": "2", "columnType": "TIME", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"}
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(column_dict)

The Column Mapping can also be created from a JSON column list. The major difference between the list and the dictionary is that in the dictionary you have to enunciate the column number before giving the other informations.

column_list = '''[
{"name": "case_id", "columnIndex": "0", "columnType": "CASE_ID"},
{"name": "task_name", "columnIndex": "1", "columnType": "TASK_NAME"},
{"name": "time", "columnIndex": "2", "columnType": "TIME", "format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"}
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(column_list)

Moreover, it is possible to return the JSON dictionary format of the Column with the to_dict() method. By doing that, we can then create a Column Mapping with the from_json() method. The json.dumps() function will convert a subset of Python objects into a JSON string.

column_list = [
    Column('case_id', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('task_name', 1, ColumnType.TASK_NAME),
    Column('time', 2, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm")
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
json_str = json.dumps(column_mapping.to_dict())
column_mapping = ColumnMapping.from_json(json_str)

After creating it, the column mapping can be added:

my_project.add_column_mapping(filestructure, column_mapping)

Finally, you can add CSV, XLSX or XLS files:

wg = Workgroup(w_id, w_key, api_url, auth_url)
p = Project("<Your Project ID>", wg.api_connector)

filestructure = FileStructure(
column_list = [
    Column('Case ID', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('Start Timestamp', 1, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('Complete Timestamp', 2, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('Activity', 3, ColumnType.TASK_NAME),
    Column('Ressource', 4, ColumnType.DIMENSION),
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)
p.add_column_mapping(filestructure, column_mapping)

Furthermore, grouped tasks can also be declared if needed. If a grouped task is created in a column, there must be grouped tasks declared in other columns as well as they cannot function individually:

column_list = [
    Column('case_id', 0, ColumnType.CASE_ID),
    Column('time', 1, ColumnType.TIME, time_format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"),
    Column('task_name', 2, ColumnType.TASK_NAME, grouped_tasks_columns=[1, 3]),
    Column('country', 3, ColumnType.METRIC, grouped_tasks_aggregation=MetricAggregation.FIRST),
    Column('price', 4, ColumnType.DIMENSION, grouped_tasks_aggregation=GroupedTasksDimensionAggregation.FIRST)
column_mapping = ColumnMapping(column_list)

The grouped_tasks_columns represent the list of column indices that must be grouped. If grouped_tasks_columns is declared, it has to at least have the index of a column of type TASK_NAME and the index of a column of type METRIC, DIMENSION or TIME. It must not have the index of a column of type CASE_ID.

The grouped_tasks_aggregation represents the aggregation of the grouped tasks.

Moreover, if a grouped task aggregation's column type is METRIC, then the grouped task's type must be of MetricAggregation type. Similarly, if a grouped task aggregation's column type is DIMENSION, then the grouped task's type must be of GroupedTasksDimensionAggregation type. Finally, if grouped_tasks_columns is declared, the column's type must be TASK_NAME.